Created by Tamara Micner and Katy Dye, performed at The Rio Cinema as part of *Granny Ludski's 'Wild Gardening', Ludski family building take over of The Rio, 5th December 2024.
Welcome to the fermentation Foyer..
Contain yourselves! It's Jarring! Now is the time to take stock of the past, crystallise the present and preserve the future..
Meet Reyzl and Phyllis Ludski, two granddaughters of Granny Ludski who are experts in the art and science of fermentation. Reyzl and Phyllis are preparing the annual Ludski Family Winter Pickle 2024, they are looking to include some delicious ingredients and that is where you come in..
What is your favourite pickled vegetable?
How sour do you like your pickles on a scale of 5 - 10?
If you could pickle one object from your childhood for eternity, what would it be?
What is something that you have inherited that you would like to pass on?
What is something that you think is important to preserve for future generations?
Reyzl and Phyllis are ready with their pickle survey for you, brewing questions where participants answers help to create juicy components to add to the pot. At The Rio this included dad's big bushy moustache, a pink scarf used for dress up in childhood, Nikki Minaj, human rights, a broken watch from Russia and right to abortion being enshrined as part of the French Constitution. A unique blend from those in the room that will be different each time, containing pressing, messy, sentimental, crunchy and urgent ingredients.
*Granny Ludski: Clara Ludski, the enterprising businesswoman who set up The Rio Cinema in Dalston, London, 1909.
This performance is designed for foyers/informal gathering spaces
The Rio Cinema, Thursday 5th December 2024. Granny Ludski's 'Wild Gardening' building takeover, a night of live music, short films, art and performance to mulch the effects of the darkening season.
Tamara Micner - Artist/Collaborator
Katy Dye - Artist/Collaborator
The Ludski Family - Curator/Event Producer